Variant Weapon Chart | EN World Tabletop RPG News & Reviews

Throwing this out here and see what sticks, and open conversation. I have more ambitious mods, but let’s start with those…
Simple Melee Weapons
Cudgel1 sp1d63 lbThrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d8)
Fork5 sp1d85 lbReach, two-handed
Light hammer5 gp1d62 lbLight, thrown
Mace7 gp1d84 lbBludgeoning
Quarterstaff2 sp1d84 lbTwo-handed
Simple Ranged Weapon
Crossbow, light25 gp1d85 lbAmmunition, loading, punch (1d8), two-handed
Martial Melee Weapons
Greatclub2 sp1d1010 lbHeavy, two-handed
Greatspear5 gp1d106 lbCavalry (1d12), reach, heavy, two-handed
Maul10 gp2d410 lbBludgeoning (2d4), heavy, two-handed
Polearm20 gp1d106 lbHeavy, reach, two-handed
Spear1 gp1d83 lbThrown, versatile (1d10)
Trident5 gp1d84 lbThrown, versatile (1d10)
Warhammer15 gp1d84 lbBludgeoning (1d8), versatile (1d10)
Martial Ranged Weapons
Crossbow, heavy50 gp1d1018 lbAmmunition, heavy, loading, punch (1d10), two-handed

Note: This table only lists changes; untouched weapons do not appear for clarity.

The first noticeable (and probably most controversial) change is the removal of bludgeoning, piercing and slashing as damage types (all become physical damage). They have a minimal, almost vestigial use in 5e, and the rare selective resistance and/or vulnerabilities can easily become a creature’s special ability instead. I almost feel it would have been dropped altogether if it wasn’t for skeletons. Still, smashing skellies is fun, so let’s create a new weapons property doubling damage against skeletons.

New Properties:
Bludgeoning: This weapon uses a heavy head that deals extra damage to skeletons. A damage value in parentheses appears with the property—the extra damage dealt to skeletal creatures, in addition to the weapon’s base damage die.
Cavalry: This weapon can be used one-handed from a moving mount. A damage value in parentheses appears with the property—the damage when the weapon is used when used from a mount that previously moved this turn.
Punch: When you take the Attack action with this weapon, you may forgo your extra attack feature to gain advantage on the attack roll and deal extra damage. A damage value in parentheses appears with the property—the extra damage for each extra attack you forgo this turn.

Simple Weapons
The medieval baseball bat and caveman’s weapon, larger than a baton or tonfa (club), but smaller than a 10 lb. greatclub. Essentially a two-handed weapon that’s wieldy enough to be held one-handed. Placeholder simple weapon for the greatclub and spear, both of which get bumped to martial weapons.
Fork: …or whatever pole weapon adapted from farmer’s tools to arm your peasant conscripts with. It’s a cheaper, toned-down glaive or halberd.
Light Hammer: At 2 lb, it’s twice as heavy as your typical hardware store’s hammer. Is there really a niche for a not-quite-as-expensive-but-not-quite-as-good-as-a-handaxe weapon? I’m gonna bid on players selecting it for looks more than to save 3gp. Let’s bring it to par with the handaxe, with a price tag to match.
Mace: Wants to be a martial weapon, but should stay simple to allow it as the quintessential cleric weapon. Gains a new property allowing it to smash skellies like a good cleric should. Deserves a small price increase. 1d8 damage might be too much though, as simple weapons seem to restrict 1-handed damage to 1d6…
Quarterstaff: Lost versatile, just two-handed now. And yes, I’ve seen the videos too, but I remain to be convinced that it can be used efficiently with a shield or another weapon in the off-hand. With the cudgel filling in for shillelagh and walking sticks, this frees the quarterstaff to be a long, two-handed simple weapon. Contemplated lowering damage to d6 and give Finesse, but monks would have to wait until 11th level to deal 1d8 damage.

Martial Weapons
Greatclub: At 10 lb (same as a maul), its more than just a big branch. Bumped to martial weapons due to increased damage and compatibility with GWM.
Greatspear: What I think is a better name for the pike, which is otherwise a mechanically sound weapon. Gains a new property allowing it to be used couched from horseback and take the lance’s role (which has been removed). Makes it slightly better than polearm? Perhaps remove heavy property? Also, 18 lb? I’m going to assume it’s a typo and give it 6 lb like other polearms.
Maul: 1/5 of the greatsword’s price for the same damage, now gains bludgeoning. Damage lowered to 2d4.
Polearm: It’s the halberd, the Lucerne hammer, the glaive, the guisarme, the voulge, or any combination thereof, Let’s not go all 2e AD&D with polearms; one entry is enough.
Spear: I want it to be on par with the longsword and battleaxe. Increased damage pushes it to martial weapons.
Trident: Base damage increased to d8 to match spear. Wanted to give it versatile (3d4) because you know, three prongs, but GWF style would make it too good. I’d like to give it a small something to justify the price increase…
Warhammer: A nitpick, but at 2 lb it has the same weight as the light hammer. Upping to 4 lb like a mace, and gaining bludgeoning property.

Ranged Weapons
Light and heavy Crossbow: Added punch property, allowing the weapon to remain competitive for martial characters after 5th level without having to take the Crossbow Expert feat. Makes it a good ranged weapon for martial characters with low-ish DEX (hello dwarven fighter).

edited because struggling with spoiler tags...
