A Selenium Cloud is basically a Selenium Grid configured on cloud servers. The Cloud Selenium Grid connects to a range of browsers and real devices with different operating systems which are configured and made available 24×7 on-demand. This makes it possible for QA teams to automate tests by executing several test scripts simultaneously on multiple device-browser combinations on the cloud using parallel testing.
A Selenium cloud eliminates the overhead of maintaining and updating the physical infrastructure at regular intervals. That means organizations do not have to purchase, maintain, update devices, browsers and operating systems on-site. While maintaining physical devices require a lot of time and effort, buying subscription of a cloud based grid like BrowserStack can be a more feasible solution.
It would allow you to conduct comprehensive testing with the latest and legacy browser versions and devices.
Read More: Build vs Buy: How to decide between in-house lab or cloud solution
Testers can test web-applications directly on real devices on a robust and highly available cloud. BrowserStack’s real device cloud gives you access to 3000+ real devices and browsers, so that you can test you web application completely under real user conditions. QAs just need to be ready with their test scripts and device coverage requirements. Log in, select devices, start testing.
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