How to pressure and intercept the ball in FIFA 22

FIFA 22 is finally here as we're into the opening stages of EA Sports' latest footballing title. Gamers are already looking for a competitive edge on the pitch, so here's how to pressure and intercept the ball from your opponent in FIFA 22.

Page Updated September 29, 2021, 00:48 | First Published September 28, 2021, 23:04

After months of build up and speculation, FIFA 22 is finally here as sports gamers around the world are brimming with excitement. The game devs have wasted no time getting things up and running as we've already received the first batch of Team of the Week cards.

Of course with every FIFA release there are always new gameplay updates and improvements which take a bit of playtime to get the hang of. One of the more important controls to master early on will be forcing your opponent to turn the ball over.

To help get you ready to compete online right away, here's a tutorial for how to pressure and intercept the ball in FIFA 22. It will help massively in pressing situations to win the ball back high up the pitch.

FIFA 22 Defending Guide - How to pressure and intercept the ball

Whether you play a high press or a low block defensive system, the principles of squeezing down the space around and opponent and forcing them to lose posession will be very important to your gameplay. Make sure to have these controls mastered to best direct your defensive efforts.

Defensive MovePS4 / PS5Xbox One / Xbox Series X|S
Switch Player (Manual)R + DirectionR + Direction
Tackle/Push or Pull (when chasing)CircleB
Sliding TackleSquareX
Shoulder Challenge/SealoutL2 (tap)LT (tap)
Jockey / Grab & HoldL2 (hold down)LT (hold down)
ContainX (press and hold)A (press and hold)
Teammate ContainR1 (press and hold)RB (press and hold)
Running JockeyL2 + R2 (hold down)LT + RT (hold down)
Pull and Hold (when chasing)Circle (press and hold)B (press and hold)

A key part to pressuring and intercepting the ball from your opponent will be to get used to the contain and teammate contain buttons. These will bring an extra defender to hurry the player with the ball and hopefully force them into a mistake.

Then use the manual switch player to control the defender closest to the ball and go in to make a tackle. Many times the sliding tackle control will be effective for intercepting passes as it allows your defender to lunge that extra inch.

We'll be continuing with more FIFA 22 content and advanced play guides as the season unfolds. Make sure to stay tuned to our official page for all the latest breaking news and information.

Featured image courtesy of EA Sports.
