How to get Sandygast in Pokemon Go & can it be Shiny?

Sandygast and its evolution Palossand are available in Pokemon Go, but how do you catch them? And can they be Shiny? Let’s find out.

The slightly bizarre Ghost/Ground-type Pokemon Sandygast will appear to some trainers in 3-Star Raids during the first part of Pokemon Go’s Halloween event.

Known as the Sand Heap Pokemon in the Pokedex, Sandygast first appeared in Pokemon Sun & Moon’s Alola region and made its Pokemon Go debut alongside its evolution Palossand during the June 2023 Water Festival.

To help you catch this sandy creature, here’s everything you need to know about Sandygast in Pokemon Go including its Shiny availability and its evolution requirements.

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How to get Sandygast in Pokemon Go

You can face Sandygast in a 3-Star Raid during the first part of Pokemon Go’s Halloween event. It will take place from Thursday, October 19, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. to Thursday, October 26, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. local time.

In our opinion, the easiest way to get a Sandygast right now is to defeat one in a Raid Battle. You should be able to defeat it by yourself as long as you target its weaknesses to Dark, Ghost, Grass, Ice, and Water-type attacks.

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We don’t know what will happen to Sandygast once the Halloween event is over, but the chances are it will be quite a rare spawn so do your best to catch one while you can.

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How to evolve Sandygast into Palossand in Pokemon Go

Sandygast can be evolved into Palossand once you’ve collected 50 Candy. There are no special evolution items or Buddy tasks required for this evolution process.

If you’re struggling to save up enough Candy, remember to use Pinap Berries when catching Sandygast in the wild to increase your Candy haul. You can also set Sandygast as your Buddy and explore together to earn some extra Candy.

Is Shiny Sandygast available in Pokemon Go?

The bad news is that Shiny Sandygast is currently unavailable in Pokemon Go.

It’s rare for new Pokemon to debut alongside their Shiny variants, as they’re usually saved for future events to build up hype. This means you’ll just have to make do with regular Sandygast for now.

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That’s everything you need to know about catching and evolving Sandygast! While you’re here, check out some more Pokemon Go guides:

Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour guide | Current Raid Bosses in Pokemon Go | Best Pokemon in Pokemon Go | Arlo counters guide | Cliff counters guide | Giovanni counters | Grunt counters guide | How to get Remote Raid Passes | Sierra counters guide | How to catch a Ditto in Pokemon Go | Pokemon Go shop: Items list, prices, box changes | Pokemon Go promo codes
