Fortnite Zero Build mode announced

Epic Games confirms a new no-building mode is coming to Fortnite called Zero build mode. Here's everything you need to know about it.

Page Updated March 30, 2022, 02:41 | First Published March 29, 2022, 20:01

Epic Games continues to add new content to its ever-evolving battle royale as Chapter 3 Season 2 continues. Aside from getting a new battle pass and a Chloe Kim tournament, the latest season also significantly changed Fortnite's core gameplay loop by removing building and adding Tactical Sprinting and Mantling.

Fortnite fans remain divided, with some disappointed by the removal of one of Fortnite's defining features, and others happy with no building. While Epic Games haven't confirmed when building is coming back to Fortnite, they did confirm a new no-build mode called Fortnite Zero build mode.

Zero build mode in Fortnite

Ever since Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 dropped, there have been plenty of rumours and speculations about a plausible no build mode in Fortnite. Fast forward to now, Epic has finally confirmed the same by announcing Fortnite Zero build mode alongside a new gameplay trailer.

Fortnite Zero build mode is the game mode that's been available in Fortnite since chapter 3 season 2 kicked off. As of now, when you load up the game, you will still directly be able to play zero build mode until Epic brings back building in a separate mode.

Once that happens, you will have to go to Fortnite's discover section and select between zero build mode solo, duos, trios, or squads. Rumour indicates that Epic is still just testing the water with this no build mode, which means it might not be permanent. Another rumour suggests that building won't be back until after chapter 3 season 2, which ends on 3rd June.

Either way, fans have a lot to look forward to as Fortnite's chapter 3 season 2 progresses. Aside from new weekly quests, there are also the resistance story quests that rewards with hordes of XP. There are also rumours about Jetpacks returning to Fortnite. Finally, there are the Omni swords quests for those who want to customize the look and feel of their Omni swords.

That's everything you needed to know about Fortnite zero build mode. Make sure to check our dedicated Fortnite section for more news, guides, and features.

Featured image courtesy of Epic Games.

Shreyansh Katsura

Written by Shreyansh Katsura

Shrey's obsession with analyzing, introspecting, and discussing every minute detail of video games brought him to game journalism. He's currently a staff writer at GINX Esports TV, where he covers Destiny 2 and Fortnite on a regular basis. When he's not playing the games he's writing about, he's agonizing over his painstakingly long list of JRPGs he can't find time to finish. You can catch him on Twitter @Shrey2828, flexing his Fortnite's Victory Royales or talking about this group of phantom thieves he calls his best friends.

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