ARK Survival Ascended Energy Brew: How To Craft & Uses

Gain back your lost stamina and escape perilous situations with our guide on how to craft Energy Brew and how its used in ARK Survival Ascended.

First Published November 28, 2023, 10:03

Whether you're in the midst of a battle or racing to escape a harsh weather environment, one often overlooked stat in ARK Survival Ascended is stamina. While you can level up this stat to increase your reserves, another method exists for replenishing it on the go i.e. Energy Brews.

These convenient items prove extremely useful when you're not riding a tamed creature, providing vital stamina boosts to extricate yourself from challenging situations. In the following sections, we'll illustrate how to craft the Energy Brew in ARK Survival Ascended and delve into its in-game uses to provide you with a much-needed second wind.

How To Craft the Energy Brew in ARK Survival Ascended

While items like Stimberries can provide some stamina regeneration in a tight spot, nothing will restore your stamina faster than the Energy Brew. Fortunately, crafting it is remarkably straightforward. Simply use the following ingredients in either a Cooking Pot or an Industrial Cooker:

  • 20 × Azulberry
  • 2 × Stimulant
  • 10 × Stimberry
  • 4 × Sparkpowder
    • 2 × Stone
    • 4 × Flint
  • 1 × Water

Once combined, you'll receive one Energy Brew, providing a boost of 40 stamina over 5 seconds. This proves exceptionally valuable in the early game, especially when dealing with a limited stamina pool. Despite its stamina regeneration not scaling with additional player stamina, it can still assist you in maintaining momentum throughout the game.

It's worth noting that crafting more Energy Brews than needed might not be wise, as they gradually spoil while unused. They last for two hours in your inventory, but this duration can be extended to eight hours by keeping them on a tamed dinosaur. For even longer preservation, storing them in a refrigeration unit allows them to last up to eight in-game days.

And there you have it, a quick and concise breakdown of how to craft Energy Brew in ARK Survival Ascended, along with some considerations about its uses in the game. It can prove to be a lifesaver in challenging situations or offer the extra boost you need during exploration. Make sure to keep a supply of it on hand, and as always, good luck to all our fellow survivors out there!

Shane Moosa

Written by Shane Moosa

Shane started his career as a freelance writer for Gamezo while working full-time as a software developer. You can often find Shane trying his hand at no-hit runs of Souls Games such as Elden Ring and Dark Souls 3 (and being quite unsuccessful). To relax, Shane will often boot up sessions of Overwatch 2 or Hunt: Showdown, but his interests are spread across various games, from AAA titles (He loved the Dead Space Remake and RE4 Remake) to indies such as Hollow Knight, Celeste, and Hades. Shane is always willing to try new games though, so feel free to drop him an email with what you think he should check out next.

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