Does Kylian Mbapp speak English? How many languages does Kylian Mbapp speak?

Given that Mbappe has the option of joining some of the top teams in the world, such as Manchester City in England, Real Madrid and Barcelona in Spain, or even Juventus in Italy, could his decision to join one of these teams be impacted by how well he fits into a new environment?

Will Kylian Mbappe wear a Manchester City jersey next year? Mbappe does not even speak English. Maybe Spanish? Let’s explore the languages that Mbappe is fluent in.

Does Kylian Mbappé speak English? How many languages does Kylian Mbappé speak?

Language acquisition has always come naturally to Kylian Mbappe, who not only speaks fluent French, Spanish, and English but has also been studying Portuguese and Italian.

Mbappe proudly addressed himself in Italian when he took the stage at the Globe Soccer Awards, demonstrating his comfort with not only learning but also using new languages.

Despite not speaking Portuguese as well as his teammate and friend Neymar, Mbappe is reportedly learning it.

Amazingly, Mbappe wants to learn Arabic as well, and not just because it is one of the world’s most spoken languages.

Given that soccer is becoming more popular in the Middle East, clubs are increasingly playing in important championships and competitions in Arabic-speaking nations, and Kylian Mbappe wants to become a global icon rather than just a French icon,

If Kylian Mbappe keeps up his desire to study new languages, and there is no reason he shouldn’t, it will bring his total number of languages spoken to an impressive six. This won’t have any negative effects on his chances of being the worldwide superstar he aspires to be.
