What names remind you of the color PINK? - #25 by stripedsocks - General Name Discussion

for some reason maisie just screams bright raspberry pink to me. maybe that’s one of the reasons i am loving it more and more =)

light pinks:

bright/hot pinks:


[name]Flora[/name] and [name]Faye[/name], [name]Ruthie[/name] and [name]Rose[/name] make me think of soft pink!

[name]Sadie[/name] and [name]Stella[/name], [name]Poppy[/name] and [name]Phoebe[/name] make me think of bright pink!

[name]Arabella[/name] and [name]Ariana[/name], [name]Georgiana[/name] and [name]Giselle[/name] make me think of hot pink!

[name]Happy[/name] colors, happy names!

[name]Lemon[/name] :slight_smile:

light pink like frosting on a cake:
[name]Barbara[/name] (reeeeeeeeffffffffg - my kitty stepped on the computer keys, and this is what he just posted, have to include it. - bvh - he did it again.)
[name]Catherine[/name] - love it!

warm pink, like retro tile in a 1920’s Spanish house:

raspberry pink:

Hm… if you give me a name, I can tell you what color it is, but the other way around is harder. I think these are pinkish:

[name]Rosemary[/name] (more of a magenta)

That’s funny, most of them start with M! I think M is a red/pink color. L is yellow, and S is also red.


Hm… if you give me a name, I can tell you what color it is, but the other way around is harder. I think these are pinkish:

[name]Rosemary[/name] (more of a magenta)

That’s funny, most of them start with M! I think M is a red/pink color. L is yellow, and S is also red.

Ha! that’s funny. My name [name]Susan[/name] starts with an “S”. [name]Susan[/name] reminds me of blue.


[quote=irisrose]Hm… if you give me a name, I can tell you what color it is, but the other way around is harder. I think these are pinkish:

[name]Rosemary[/name] (more of a magenta)

That’s funny, most of them start with M! I think M is a red/pink color. L is yellow, and S is also red.

Ha! that’s funny. My name [name]Susan[/name] starts with an “S”. [name]Susan[/name] reminds me of blue.[/quote]

Weird! [name]Susan[/name] is not blue at all, to me; definitely more of an orangey red!


[quote=susan][quote=irisrose]Hm… if you give me a name, I can tell you what color it is, but the other way around is harder. I think these are pinkish:

[name]Rosemary[/name] (more of a magenta)

That’s funny, most of them start with M! I think M is a red/pink color. L is yellow, and S is also red.

Ha! that’s funny. My name [name]Susan[/name] starts with an “S”. [name]Susan[/name] reminds me of blue.[/quote]

Weird! [name]Susan[/name] is not blue at all, to me; definitely more of an orangey red![/quote]

That’s amazing! I totally think of a warm soft blue, bluer than [name]Alice[/name] in Wonderland’s dress. Maybe like a cornflower blue.
I looked up cornflower blue, and that’s exactly the blue that [name]Susan[/name] reminds me of.
It’s odd to me that other people don’t perceive my name the way I do. I think of it as very soft and calm and blue. Kind of breezy. That’s why I love my name so much.

More pink names:
[name]Flora[/name] - medium pink
[name]Lulu[/name] - medium pink
[name]Rose[/name] - all kinds of pink
[name]Zsa[/name] [name]Zsa[/name] makes me think of a bright pink.

Rapberry pink = [name]Marissa[/name] & [name]Julia[/name]

[name]Light[/name] pink = [name]Annabelle[/name] & [name]Susannah[/name]

[name]Annabella[/name] makes me think of all shades of pink, especially light pink, like a ballerina.
[name]Ella[/name] make me think of a pastel pink.
[name]Sadie[/name] makes me think of a dark pink.
[name]Arianna[/name] and [name]Flora[/name] make me think of hot pink.
[name]Maureen[/name] makes me think of Pepto Bismol pink.

I think it’s very interesting that almost everyone has included [name]Annabelle[/name]… I think she’s pink, too!

The ones that scream pink to me are:

Does anyone know any names that actually mean pink?


I think it’s very interesting that almost everyone has included [name]Annabelle[/name]… I think she’s pink, too!

The ones that scream pink to me are:

Does anyone know any names that actually mean pink?

Huong and Pembe mean pink. They are on the “Behind the Name” website.

[name]Light[/name] pink:
Frenchie (okay, maybe only because of Grease…)
On second thought, most -ette names. ([name]Cosette[/name], [name]Juliette[/name], [name]Babette[/name], [name]Yvette[/name], etc.)
[name]Minnie[/name], [name]Mimi[/name]
[name]Fifi[/name], too, I suppose. That’s very poodle-esque, though.

[name]Gemma[/name] is what immediately popped into my mind.

Boys…[name]Sebastian[/name], perhaps? Not saying that it’s too feminine. [name]Julian[/name]. [name]Evelyn[/name], definitely, haha!

And, yes, I think pink in moderation is quite lovely. (-:

[name]Pixie[/name], Pastel, [name]Posy[/name]

Wow - I must be left brained or right brained (whichever one is NOT creative) because I have never really associated names with colors except of course [name]Indigo[/name], [name]Fuchsia[/name] and other names that are colors :slight_smile:

The only names that really make me think pink are flower names like [name]Primrose[/name], [name]Peony[/name], [name]Magnolia[/name], [name]Dahlia[/name], [name]Azalea[/name] and the shade matches the flower.

What an interesting question - now I need to go think about other names and get in touch with my creative side…

Hmmmm…where do I begin??? Definitely all of the “[name]Rose[/name]” names ([name]Rosamond[/name], [name]Rosalind[/name], [name]Rosa[/name], [name]Rosalia[/name], etc.) also, names like [name]Caterina[/name], [name]Louise[/name], [name]Brittany[/name], [name]Beatrice[/name]. They make me think of a girly-girl type person…

[name]Zephirine[/name] makes me think pink. But while it’s a real girl’s name and quite old, much older than the flower, I first learned it as a name of a variety of rose, and the rose ‘[name]Zephirine[/name] Drouhin’ is a bright, strong pink.

Whoever [name]Zephirine[/name] was, that had the flower named after her in the 19th century, I hope SHE liked pink!

I don’t actually hear all the [name]Rose[/name]-names as pink at all. To me, [name]Rosemary[/name] is blue. [name]Rosamund[/name] is striped cherry and white. [name]Rosalba[/name] is antique-y ivory, a slightly beige-white.

But [name]Rosalie[/name] and [name]Rosemarie[/name] are pink.

[name]Azalea[/name] is bright watermelon-red pink.

Oddly, [name]Dawn[/name] is a very pale blush pink tinged lavender, but [name]Aurora[/name] is more pale yellow or canteloupe orange.

[name]Pink[/name] Names:

I adore [name]Pink[/name], and my favorite shade is pastel. I think [name]Pia[/name] is the most raspberry pink name I can think of. Also [name]Ariana[/name].

[name]Just[/name] about all the “[name]Rose[/name]-” names make me think of pink, except for [name]Rosemary[/name], which makes me think more of a bluish sage green. Also, these…

[name]Light[/name]/pastel pink:

[name]Coral[/name] pink:

Hot pink:
[name]Natalya[/name] (thanks to the [name]Natalie[/name] Neidhart assocation – which is a good association)

[name]Bret[/name] (only because of [name]Bret[/name] [name]Hart[/name] though)

Regular pink, or just pink in general:

[name]Dolph[/name] (because of [name]Dolph[/name] Ziggler)
