TM073 Thunder Wave in Pokmon Radical Red FandomSpot

LocationGiven by a girl in Silph Co. 2F.
DescriptionA weak electric shock that is sure to cause paralysis if it hits.

From the Saffron City Pokémon Center, you want to follow the path directly behind the Pokémon Center.

Keep going straight until you see the Silph Co. entrance. If a Rocket Grunt is blocking the entrance then you’ll have to save Mr. Fuji from the Lavender Town Pokémon Tower.

After entering Silph Co. head to the North-East part of the ground floor.

You’ll see an elevator and a set of stairs leading up. Take the stairs to the second floor.

Directly south of you will be a gap created by two walls. Walk through it and start going West.

Continue heading West, passing the two tables with a grunt standing in between them.

Eventually, you’ll come across a room to the North. If the door is locked then you’ll have to use the Card Key from the fifth floor to unlock it.

Enter the room and approach the girl hiding in the corner. Speaking with her will get you the TM for Thunder Wave.
