#1 - In the Player's Handbook on page 443 under section "Falling":
"Creatures that fall take 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet fallen, to a maximum of 20d6."
#2 - Same page, under "Falling Objects":
"Just as characters take damage when they fall more than 10 feet, so too do they take damage when they are hit by falling objects."
#3 - On page 420, under "Pit Trap":
"20-ft.-deep pit (2d6 falling damage)"
#4 - Same page, under "Spiked Pit Trap":
"10-ft.-deep pit (1d6 falling damage)"
So that seems to leave 3 possibilities on how to handle falling damage. Numbers in parentheses are the above rules (support/oppose).
A - You take 1d6 per 10 feet (1 3 4 / 2)
B - You take 1d6 per 10 feet, but ignore the first 10 feet (2 / 1 3 4)
C - You take no damage if you fall a total of 10 feet, but take 1d6 per 10 feet (including the first 10 feet) if you fall more than 10 feet (2 3 / 1 4)
So what does everyone think? I think all 3 of them have their own merits.
Also, can you only make an Acrobatics check to negate the first 10 feet of falling damage if you purposely jump? (i.e. can you do so if you fall into a pit trap)