Canadian school board changing dress code after trans teacher wore giant prosthetic breasts to class

A school board in Canada is ordering the development of a new "professional" dress code after a now-infamous transgender teacher went viral for wearing giant prosthetic breasts in class.

Halton District School's Board of Trustees unanimously passed a motion on Jan. 3 to order the director of education to develop a new dress code.

Be it resolved that the Director develop a professionalism policy which outlines the HDSB’s expectations of all staff members, including the requirement to maintain appropriate and professional standards of dress and decorum in the classroom in keeping with the provisions outlined in the body of this report," notes from the board meeting read.The policy is to be presented in a report to the Board of Trustees by March 1, 2023 with an interim report in February 2023," the board meeting notes add.

The school district's unanimous motion comes after it defended one of its teachers who made headlines back in September when photos and videos of her first started going viral.

When Fox News reached out to the school district to ask if the newly passed motion was spurred by the transgender teacher's attire, all the education director reportedly said was that the school district remains committed to "human rights" for "underserved and underrepresented" people.

The HDSB’s commitment to human rights remains rooted in our core values and commitment to each and every student and staff who identifies as a member of an underserved and underrepresented group, and our approach is informed by opinions from leading employment law firms with human rights and equity advisors," the education director reportedly said.This commitment and approach will continue to be applied as the HDSB looks to fulfill this motion," the education director added in their statement to Fox News.

Halton District School Board Chair Margo Shuttleworth already told the Toronto Sun back in September that protecting their employees' "gender rights" is "the stance the school board is taking and they are standing behind the teacher."

The transgender teacher, now known as Kayla Lemieux, at Oakville Trafalgar High School in Oakville, Ontario, reportedly identified as a man as recently as a year ago, but now identifies as a woman.

The school board claims Lemieux is "extremely effective," and School Board Chair Margo Shuttleworth even claimed that "all the kids really love being in the class," according to the Toronto Sun.

The videos and photos of the transgender teacher continue to spread online and ignite fierce waves of backlash. The school board acknowledges this, saying it has received some comments and calls on the matter already.

Parents even later claimed that the school district eventually threatened students with suspension if they continued to photograph and record videos of Lemieux.

Students have already expressed concerns about the teacher, with one allegedly saying on Twitter alongside pictures and videos that "the kids here most definitely don’t think it’s normal but realistically we can’t say anything. Last year, the teacher was a man. I don’t think the school can fire him."

Lemieux also allegedly enjoys the protection of a "personal escort" wherever she goes, parents told the Toronto Sun, which added that schools "have been rightfully concerned" about student and faculty safety following a series of bomb threats made after Lemieux went viral.

Halton District School's Board of Trustees has requested that the new dress code policy be presented to the board by March 1, according to meeting notes. An interim report on the new dress code policy is due in February.

The National Desk has reached out to the Halton District School Board asking for additional clarity on the order for a new dress code, but did not hear back before publication.

If a response is received, it will be added to this article.
