Edward Warren MineyTemplate: Verification Failure and Lorraine Rita Warren are American investigators and paranormal authors involved in famous haunted cases. Edward is a self-taught and self-taught demographic, author and speaker. Lorraine is a self-proclaimed clairvoyant and a medium of light trance, who worked closely with her husband. In 1952, Warrens founded the New England Society of Psychic Research, New England's oldest ghost-hunting group. They are the author of numerous books on the paranormal and on their private investigations into various reports of paranormal activity. They claim to have better investigated 10,000 cases in their career. Warrens was one of Amityville's first haunted investigators. According to Warrens, NESPR employs a variety of individuals, including doctors, researchers, police, nurses, students, and clergy in its investigations.
She is a clairvoyant and psychic medium from the United States who is best known for her paranormal investigations alongside her husband Ed Warren. The Amityville Haunting on Long Island was one of their most well-known investigations.