Josh Keaton - MobyGames

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (2024, PlayStation 5)Other Voice castStar Trek: Resurgence (2023, Windows)CarterHorizon II: Forbidden West - Burning Shores (2023, PlayStation 5)AvadDC Justice League: Cosmic Chaos (2023, Windows)The FlashMarvel Midnight Suns (2022, Windows)Iron ManThe Callisto Protocol (2022, Windows)Secondary VO CastStar Ocean: The Divine Force (2022, PlayStation 5)OtherThe Last of Us: Part I (2022, PlayStation 5)Voice OverSaints Row (2022, Windows)Santa Ileso PedestriansHorizon: Forbidden West (2022, PlayStation 5)AvadBattlefield 2042 (2021, Windows)BF3 US EngineerNo More Heroes III (2021, Nintendo Switch)Destroyman True FacePsychonauts 2 (2021, Windows)Motherlobe WorkersNEO: The World Ends with You (2021, PlayStation 4)Additional VoicesAge of Empires III: Definitive Edition (2020, Windows)Chayton BlackBen 10: Power Trip (2020, PlayStation 4)VoicesMarvel Iron Man VR (2020, PlayStation 4)Tony Stark / GunsmithFinal Fantasy VII: Remake (2020, PlayStation 4)NarjinDeath Stranding (2019, PlayStation 4)The Junk DealerMarvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order (2019, Nintendo Switch)Ant-Man
