What are your thoughts on the name Iris? - Girl Names

[name]Love[/name] it? Hate it? Indifferent? Please tell me what country you live in, since I’m curious what people from different places think of the name.

We are considering [name]Iris[/name] as a first name. It’s been growing on me. I love the meaning of [name]Iris[/name] as the Greek goddess of rainbows better than the flower or eye anatomy meaning. I love the goddess of rainbows thing so much that I’m afraid that it’s clouding my judgment- like- maybe the name [name]Iris[/name] itself doesn’t sound so pretty, but I think it’s pretty because of the meaning.

I went on Yahoo Answers the other day to see what non- nameberry people thought about the name [name]Iris[/name], and got responses like “it reminds me of an old person” or “iris is a part of the eye, not a good name for a girl”.

So, what do you think? Would you be happy with your name if it was [name]Iris[/name]? What middle name would you pair with it?
