How To Get The Boogie Glove In Slap Battles

It's time to get funky with the Boogie Glove and we go over the secret to unlock it here!

First Published November 9, 2023, 16:04

It is time to get funky in Slap Battles! Are you interested in getting yourself the fun Boogie Glove in this game? Well, look no further! We are fans of the Boogie Glove here and we can tell you the secrets of unlocking this great glove.

There are a lot of gloves in Slap Battles all you have to do is spend Slaps to unlock that particular glove. But the Boogie Glove is different. Thankfully, it is actaully a very fun glove to get, especially if you want to get people dancing in this game.

How To Unlock The Boogie Glove In Slap Battles Roblox

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To unlock the Boogie Glove in Slap Battles, you will need to get the Boogie With It Badge. Once you have unlocked this badge, the Boogie Glove will unlock by default. But how do you get the Boogie With It Badge?

The first thing you need to do is have a full open lobby, private lobbies will not work here! Once that is completed, every single person in the lobby needs to type the "/e dance" emote to start dancing. If everyone in the lobby is doing it, everyone will get the Boogie With It Badge and they will all unlock the Boogie Glove in Slap Battles!

What Does The Boogie Glove Do In Slap Battles Roblox

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As you might have guessed, the Boogie Glove in Slap Battles forces your opponents to dance! Using your ability will bring up a disco ball above you and anyone within range will be forced to dance. It will also unequip thier glove as well so they cannot slap or use thier ability.

One thing that players can do is use the Boogie Glove near the edge to force players to dance and then slap them off. Of course, there are a few gloves in Slap Battles whose range is longer than the Boogie Glove effect, so be prepared for that!

We would like to thank Premiumsalad on YouTube for their guide. All pictures came from them and if you need a visual guide to see how to get the Boogie Glove in Slap Battles, check out this video below.

Daniel Borjas
