The fan favourite screaming plants known as Mandrakes feature in Hogwarts Legacy, and you’ll need to get your hands on these rowdy plants to complete assignments for Professor Garlick. No doubt then you’re curious how to get a Mandrake in Hogwarts Legacy.
Throughout your journey in your first year at Hogwarts, you’ll also be introduced to a number of other important features. To save you from being overwhelmed, we’ve got guides on all the Hogwarts Legacy Talents, how to unlock all spells in Hogwarts Legacy, and even the Hogwarts Legacy best spells to use in combat. This answer and guide is based on our playthrough for our Hogwarts Legacy review.
To get a Mandrake in Hogwarts Legacy, you can either buy them at Hogwarts Legacy Dogweed and Deathcap or grow your own using Mandrake seeds at a potting station.
Beatrice Green at Dogweed and Deathcap in Hogsmeade has a variety of herbology supplies available for purchase, including Mandrakes for 500 galleons, and Mandrake seeds for 800 galleons. While Green is guaranteed to sell these screeching plants, there are also vendors found around the map that can occasionally stock Mandrakes. It’s best to stock up whenever you see them since they’re not only required for Assignments, but also helpful in combat.
A more cost effective method is to grow your own Mandrakes using the seeds purchased at Dogweed and Deathcap. Once you have access to your own potting table through the main quest Herbology Class, you’ll be able to grow your own. The Hogwarts Legacy Room of Requirement can also be outfitted with potting stations to help you grow batches of Mandrakes.
That’s all you need to know about how to get a Mandrake in Hogwarts Legacy, just be sure to bring your earplugs or you’ll be in for a surprise. For even more tips, tricks, and guides, we’ve prepared a Hogwarts Legacy walkthrough to help you through your first year at Hogwarts.
Hogwarts Legacy has drawn considerable criticism during its development, largely due to the fact that the creator of the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling, has made a number of transphobic remarks on social media in recent years.
While Avalanche has confirmed that J.K. Rowling is not “directly involved” in the development of Hogwarts Legacy, it is working with “her team” and Portkey Games, a Warner Bros. label dedicated to launching new experiences inspired by J.K. Rowling’s original stories. It is currently unclear whether she will earn any royalties from the game’s sale, but it is likely given it is based on her original body of work.
If you would like to learn more about transgender rights or lend your support, we’d encourage you to check out the National Center for Transgender Equality in the US and Mermaids in the UK.