The LEGO property has expanded far beyond plastic building blocks in the last twenty years. And a large part of this multimedia empire has been built on the back of a robust video game franchise.
While LEGO had been churning out games since the release of LEGO Island for MS Windows back in 1997, it was their partnership with Traveler’s Tales(now TT Games) that really put them on the map.
Now few things are as exciting as hearing your favorite blockbuster film is getting a LEGO game adaptation. It’s almost commonplace by now!
And if you’re on the market for a new blocky adventure, there’s no need to step on LEGO pieces until you find the right one… because I already did it for you!
Platforms: Nintendo 64, PlayStation, Game Boy, Windows PC
Probably the best game from the pre-TT Games era has to be LEGO Racers.
This game features races all over Legoland as part of a championship organized by the Rocket Racer, complete with power-ups and offensive items you could use to hinder your opponents’ progress.
Here you’ll get solid graphics, lots of unlockable cars, and even the chance to build your own with in-game LEGO bricks.
This game was among the most universally appealing in LEGO’s classic roster.
Platforms: Wii, Xbox 360, PS3, Nintendo DS, PC/Mac
LEGO’s golden age of gaming began when they realized it was easier to adapt popular stories and universes rather than creating new IPs.
One prime example is LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventure. It follows Raiders of the Lost Ark, Temple of Doom, and The Last Crusade.
In LEGO form.
Couple the straightforward gameplay with excellent humor and a killer soundtrack, and you’ve got a recipe for success.
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Windows PC
Adapting other properties is what they do best. But LEGO isn’t a stranger to in-house projects such as the massive sandbox LEGO Worlds.
In it, players can build massive LEGO structures by collecting and spending “studs”, the in-game currency.
They can also explore a procedurally-generated world or go into other people’s realms to share in on the fun.
I’d place this game a bit higher if it wasn’t because the online community has dwindled into nonexistence. Still really fun to play though.
Platforms: Windows/Mac, Nintendo 3DS & DS, Wii, PS3, PSP, Xbox 360
Released as a companion piece to Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, this action-adventure game covers the story of all four movies.
And it features varied locales and excellent renditions of almost every character. Very true to the cinematic themes.
The Pirates of the Caribbeans soundtrack makes everything 10 times as epic, and LEGO Jack Sparrow is at least as funny as the real thing.
Platforms: PS3, PS4, Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One
Back when Disney Infinity was all anyone ever talked about, LEGO decided they wanted a piece of the toys-to-life cake.
This was the birth of LEGO Dimensions.
This fantastic game lets users transport their real-life LEGO sets to the world behind the screen. This way, they unlocked campaigns, areas, and characters from all-around the LEGO universe.
Including characters from the movie, the Marvel LEGO games, and even all-new franchises like Dr. Who.
The environmental puzzle-solving and general action-adventure gameplay are top-notch.
Regrettably, you’d have to invest a pretty penny to experience all this game has to offer.
Platforms: PS3, PS4, PS Vita, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, Mac/Windows
Just like you asked yourself whether splitting The Hobbit into three different films made any sense, you could ask yourself whether you could make a game out of only one part.
Well, LEGO thought they could.
The result is a beautifully-rendered game with charming characters, letting you experience the journey to the Lonely Mountain in LEGO form.
While it takes the general structure of the story and even voice lines straight from the movie, this game feels considerably less dragged-out.
It’s a bit on the short side, but every minute is pure satisfaction. Definitely give it a try.
Platforms: PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Wii U, Windows PC
Taking place in the same LEGO City as the LEGO movie, this title follows detective Chase McCain as he tries to infiltrate LEGO City’s top criminal gangs and uncover who’s behind the recent rise in criminality.
The gameplay is pretty similar to Grand Theft Auto, of all things.
Except the player takes the role of a cop rather than a criminal.
Still, the free-roaming fun and insane situations you’d expect from a GTA title are also present in LEGO City Undercover.
Along with the silly LEGO humor we all know and love.
Platforms: PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Mac/Windows
LEGO The Incredibles’ release roughly coincided with the premiere of Pixar’s The Incredibles 2. But it covers the story from both films all in one game.
As expected from one of the most recent releases in this list, the graphics are amazing.
And it features both a fantastic hub to explore and a sprawling open-world in need of some super-family protection.
Among the game’s best parts are its characters, including some from both the films and other Pixar properties – each with their own unique skills that’ll help you in your crime-fighting exploits.
Platforms: PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Mac/Windows
But why bother playing with superheroes when you can play as the villains?
That’s the concept behind LEGO DC Super-Villains.
It takes the tried-and-true formula from previous LEGO superhero games, such as LEGO Marvel’s Avengers and LEGO Batman 2, and flips it on its head by giving the baddies some much-needed protagonism.
All of the main characters are hilarious. Especially the Joker.
And the game even features a character creator where you can mix and match parts from the rest of the cast to make your own ne’er-do-well.
Platforms: Android, Mac/Windows, Nintendo 3DS
The LEGO movie was a total surprise for me.
I went in, expecting the most generic kid’s film I’d ever seen, and ended up laughing all the way through thanks to LEGO’s fine-tuned humor.
The surprises just kept coming. And despite looking like a regular-old movie tie-in, The LEGO Movie Videogame was just as good as the film.
LEGO and TT Games actually added plenty of new features to the gameplay rather than reprising the movie’s story and calling it a day.
These include many contextual mini-games like dancing the Everything is Awesome song, and actually building stuff as a game mechanic.
It’s a bit on the short side, but each second of the campaign is action-packed and super-fun.
Platforms: iOS, Android, Wii, Xbox 360, PS3, Nintendo DS, Mac/Windows
The first LEGO Star Wars game, covering the events of the prequels, was a total sleeper hit nobody was expecting.
At first glance it looked like a corporate cash-grab from two industry giants.
But once you played it, the notion vanished almost instantly.
The action-adventure gameplay with basic combat elements was fantastic. But what really made this game endearing was the insane number of unlockables, the silly humor, and the love and respect the developers had for the source material.
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga brings together that first game that started it all (and its sequel) for a massive Star Wars-themed experience with over 120 characters and fantastically designed levels.
Any Star Wars fan should definitely pick this one up, it’s available on basically every modern platform including mobile and PC.
Platforms: Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3, Nintendo 3DS, Wii U, Windows PC
Of course, the absolute blockbuster that was The Avengers couldn’t possibly go without a quirky, child-friendly LEGO adaptation.
LEGO Marvel’s Avengers covers the events of The Avengers and Age of Ultron but also features several key moments from each of the Avenger’s individual origin films – all with voice acting by the original actors.
One of the game’s most exciting features was the tag-team combo attacks that could be triggered with specific team compositions such as Black Widow and The Hulk, or Captain America and Iron Man.
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One
The Harry Potter franchise has had it rough when it comes to video games.
And the last few chapters of the book and movie series got an especially harsh treatment – that is, until LEGO came to the rescue.
The LEGO Harry Potter Collection may take some creative liberties when it comes to portraying the events of the influential series. But its quirky humor and engaging gameplay are miles ahead of anything offered by the “main” HP games.
Not only that, but this charming title features well over 200 characters from all over the HP universe. Including the children revealed in Harry Potter and The Cursed Child, and characters from the Fantastic Beasts spin-off.
Platforms: Android, iOS, Mac/Windows, Nintendo DS & 3DS, PS3, PS4, PS Vita, Wii U, Xbox 360 Xbox One
Before there was Marvel’s Avengers came LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, a beautiful love letter to the fantastic universe created by comic book giant Stan Lee – who also makes an appearance as a stupidly powerful playable character.
It follows a pretty simple story about supervillains trying to build a superweapon to destroy the world and the heroes who stop them.
But what’s truly great about LEGO Marvel Super Heroes is the action-packed gameplay and all-star cast of characters.
The game even included the X-Men and Fantastic Four, along with several obscure characters for the comic buffs to flex their miscellaneous knowledge.
This game also introduced the largest open-world area that any LEGO game had seen. And roaming Manhattan fighting crime as iconic Marvel heroes was as addictive as it sounds.
Platforms: Mac/PC, PS4, Switch, Xbox One
Years later, the direct sequel to the original LEGO Marvel Super Heroes would take everything that made the first one so good and crank it up to infinity.
While the game no longer features the X-MEN or the Fantastic Four for copyright reasons, it makes up for it with new features like couchtastic 4-player battle arenas and a massive open world in the form of Chronopolis.
This bizarre location created by Kang the Conqueror is a sort of crossroads linking together contrasting locales and time periods.
It feels like a theme park of sorts, and it’s a fantastic place to carry out your heroic exploits.
Platforms: Mac/PC, 3DS, Android, iOS, PS3, PS4, PS Vita, Wii U, Switch, Xbox 360, Xbox One
We can all agree that the Jurassic World movie was far from the best they could have done with such a storied franchise. On the other hand, the corresponding LEGO game is one of the best in the series.
It covers all four movies up to Jurassic World, featuring every character you could think of, and including over 20 different dinosaurs, which you can create from amber samples found all around the island.
Platforms: Mac/PC, Wii, PS3, Xbox 360, Android, iOS, Nintendo DS, Wii U
LEGO Batman 2 can be considered the first “modern” LEGO game, leaving behind the quirky yet almost indie-like style of the original Star Wars and Indiana Jones games for something more commercial – but also closer to a AAA title.
One of the main changes was voice acting, which allowed them to introduce a tighter narrative structure and witty humor.
It was also the first one to feature a truly open world in the form of Gotham City, although you had to clear the entire game before free-roaming became available.
Batman fans will adore this title. Worth at least giving it a try to see what you think. Or maybe looking into the next one in our list…
Platforms: Mac/PC, Android, iOS, Nintendo 3DS, PS3, PS4, PS Vita, Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One
The sequel to the iconic LEGO Batman 2 made sure to set itself apart from its predecessor by changing the dark and gritty streets of Gotham for something very different.
Beyond Gotham follows the caped crusader and an all-star cast of DC superheroes as they stop Brainiac from destroying the Earth.
This adventure will take them to locales all around the DC universe, including Lantern Planets and hubs like the Hall of Justice and the Batcave.
As usual, one of the game’s best features is the wealth of characters which totals over 200. Even including celebrity cameos like late-night show host Conan O’Brien and actor Adam West playing… well, himself.
Platforms: Mac/PC, Android, iOS, Nintendo 3DS & DS, PS3, PS Vita, Wii, Xbox 360
Few games in the LEGO series feel as polished and artistically accomplished as LEGO The Lord of the Rings. It somehow manages to inject the narrative with its own brand of LEGO humor while still keeping every drop of epicness from the original story.
This game covers the entire saga of Frodo’s journey across Middle Earth, paying close attention to detail and achieving a middle ground between realistic, beautiful landscapes and the iconic LEGO style.
It replicates many scenes from the movies down to the dialogues, with as much exactitude as LEGO pieces allow, and they’ll pull at your heartstrings with just the same intensity.
The fun-factor in this game is through the roof, even when the game takes itself seriously. Which LEGO games rarely do.
Platforms: Mac/PC, Android, iOS, Nintendo 3DS, PS3, PS4, PS Vita, Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One
It’s only fitting that the very best game in the LEGO franchise belongs to the Star Wars saga, since this series kickstarted its rise to video game notoriety.
But don’t think I’m placing it first for poetic value.
This game is fantastic in almost every respect.
Not only does it have some of the prettiest landscapes and beautiful graphics in a LEGO game, but its storytelling may just be better than the actual movie.
Other than the usual action-adventure staples, this title includes cover mechanics like those seen on third-person shooters like Uncharted and Gears of War, which gives every level lots more tension.
Spaceship battles are also enjoyable and visually striking. The effects are right up there with other modern titles, but the LEGO models made me reminisce about hours spend putting together Star Wars LEGO sets in my teens.
Whether you liked the movie or not, you have to give this LEGO title a chance. I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.