FactsA 50-unit association with multiple buildings had a fire in Building Five in December of 2018. The interior and exterior repairs were estimated at about $1.4 million. Insurance proceeds were only $933,000, meaning there were insufficient proceeds of about $500,000 to make the needed repairs. The board voted not to obtain a loan to cover the short fall. As a result, one of the unit owners filed suit alleging, among other things, breach of fiduciary duty and violation of the applicable statute and governing documents by “failing to maintain the requisite insurance coverage.
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Oscar-winner Gene Deitch (born August 8, 1924), who introduced the world to the power of animation, has died at the age of 95 in Prague, Czech Republic. Deitch was an animator, producer and excellent film director.
Gene got the most recognition due to the famous cartoon characters Tom and Jerry. Also, his film Munro won the Academy Award in 1960 for Best Animated Short Film. Deitch was nominated for this award for the second time in 1964 as well.
Software Type ncG1vNJzZmivp6x7rsHLraCtqpGYuLR6wqikaKufo7S0e6aepZ5lfaS8s7GOgqWtqp%2Bovaav06Kmp2d5Yo%2BmuMierZ5noJbBpLTErGY%3D
A small plane crashed near North Myrtle Beach Sunday morning, killing at least one person and injuring others.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said a single-engine Piper PA-32 with four people on board crashed northwest of Grand Stand Airport in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, around 11 a.m. local time.
Plane crash in North Myrtle Beach, seen from a boat. (Beth Goff Photography )
Officer Pat Wilkinson of the North Myrtle Beach Police Department told Fox News Digital that at least one person died in the crash and another, a woman, was taken to the hospital.
The Dowling Family Tree with over half a million relatives, contains thousands of pictures and GeneaStars. We are all related! Dowling Geneastars | Facebook
L'arbre généalogique Dowling avec plus d'un demi-million de parents, contient des milliers de photos et GeneaStars. Nous sommes tous liés!
Sayano-Shushenskaya, the country's largest hydroelectric power plant, will partially resume work Wednesday after an accident in August crippled its generating equipment and killed 75 people, a Cabinet spokesman said.
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin will take part in the ceremony to relaunch the station's repaired hydroelectric unit No. 6 — one of the least damaged — during a two-day trip to the Siberian republic of Khakasia starting Wednesday, the spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said Tuesday.
Biography The Floss Master Russell Horning (conceived 19 December 2001) also called Backpack Kid is a young talented 22 years old American dancer, rapper, and social media personality. The teenage sensation has not looked back since taking the internet by surprise.
Backpack Kid Backpack Kid: History, Photo Wiki Data Birth Name: Russell Horning Stage Name: Backpack Kid Born: 19 December 2001 (age 22 years old) Birth Place: Laurenceville State Of Origin: Georgia Nationality: American Occupation: Dancer • SM Perosnality Net Worth: $500,000 Early Life Russell Horning popularly known as Backpack Kid is an American dancer, rapper, and popular figure on social media.
Samsung built the Galaxy S23 Ultra to excel in a lot of areas, but rough use isn't one of them. Any one of these excellent heavy-duty cases can prepare your Samsung phone for the tough life. Some of these rugged covers even include features such as a kickstand or a built-in screen protector, so you get a lot of functionality out of them.
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In the opening scene of Kohrra - the latest crime thriller from Paatal Lok’s creator Sudip Sharma, a couple gets down to business under the cover of fog in a field where a bludgeoned dead body is soon discovered. And that’s just the first few seconds of the show. Starring Barun Sobti and Suvinder Vicky, the Punjab-set show directed by Randeep Jha revolves around cops solving the gruesome murder of an NRI who had returned to his hometown to get married.